Should I Sell My Artwork | How I Started Selling My Art

Have you ever been asked how much a painting was and had no idea what to say? Did the question catch you off guard? When I first starting painting again over 3 years ago I was asked that exact question - How much is that painting? It was literally a practice painting I was trying out, experimenting with a new style. However, this was the beginning of me selling my Art and creating the Art Business that I have today. So if you want to start selling your art the first question to ask is WHY?

Why did you start selling your artwork? 


Simone Agoussoye Paints Marilyn Monroe

For me the answer was simple. The People Wanted the Art and I had no choice but to Give The People What they Want, and now What They Need. At that time, I had no idea how important Art was to the culture and the Demand. I just knew I had to create Art and now I was intrigued in the Business of Art. The first thing to figure out was pricing.

Putting a price on my artwork was so difficult for me for several reasons.

1. I never created art with the purpose of selling.

Selling my artwork was never a thought to me. I've been painting and creating art since I was 7 years old. I was purely creating Art because it's literally a part of who I am and it comes natural to me. Fast-forward years later to that moment I was discussing earlier when I was doing some experimental painting and someone asked me to buy a piece, my response was, 'oh you can just have it'.

I literally was not anticipating nor expecting that question and had no intentions on selling that painting. I was just painting for fun and to clear my mind. 

Marilyn Monroe art by Simone Agoussoye

 2. The bottom-line is: Art is priceless. 

When Art is a part of who you are as a person it makes your Art priceless. Some people feel that when they put a price on their gifts that it taints or tarnishes their gift. Also, some say that it can start feeling like a job when you place a price tag on it. I disagree with that. Something only starts to feel like a job if it is something that you truly are not in love with. And perhaps it is a certain aspect of your Art Business. For me, accepting commissions is definitely a job. I love creating custom pieces for people but it is a job because someone else is setting the guidelines of the painting. Not me. That can become burdensome but the end result is still priceless. 

3. Art is Subjective

Another reason why it is hard to price our Art, is because Art is so subjective and we wonder who will buy it? But in order to beat the 'starving artist' mindset we have to get pass all that and put a price on our Art. The final question you need to ask yourself is - Am I trying to make a living off of my Art? 

I hope this article helps you to feel more comfortable and confident if you choose to start selling your Art. Be happy and stay creative. 

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